Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Elephants Can Paint

We are learning the difference between fiction and non fiction books.  We are also being introduced to literary non fiction.  Today we read a book about elephants that are taught to paint.

Opinion Writing

We started our new writing topic today.... Opinion Writing 😊. After hearing the story, students had to decide if Pigeon should get a puppy.  They had to provide reasons as to why or why not.  Be sure to ask them what they decided.  Some of their opinions were strong with convincing reasons.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Happy Pig Day

Oinky Oink Oink!!! That's how you say Happy Pig Day in Pig!!!!  BEST DAY EVER!!!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Next Week

Dear Families,  I will be at a two day conference on Monday and Tuesday next week.  Mrs. Tetrick will be taking care of kindergarten 😊

We have a school wide meeting on Monday morning so reading program will start at 9:10 ish.
Have a great weekend

Piggie and Gerald Time

We love these guys!

Friday, November 4, 2016

Parent Teacher/Conferences

Please use the following link to sign up for a parent/teacher conference if you have not yet done so.  Thank you!  Parent/Teacher Conference

It's a Piggie and Gerald Spectacular in Our Room

This month we are spending our time with everyone's favorite, Piggie and Gerald.  Today we made Piggies break and snap toy. The lesson... Friends are more important than toys.

Another Amazing Four Winds

We have so many wonderful programs here at UMS that rely on volunteers.  Our class is so fortunate to have two amazing four winds volunteers.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Mr Y Teaches Writing Workshop

We are working on writing personal narratives in writing.  First we tell our story with WOW illustrations and add labels to important parts.  Today students were asked to write about Halloween.  Mr Y shared his illustration about his Halloween night. He reminded students that they need the who, what and where in their story.