General Information

Welcome to Mrs. Anderson's Kindergarten

I am looking forward to teaching your son/daughter this year.  Here is some information about our class you might find helpful. This letter is completely different than in previous years as our safety precautions, and what is allowed this year is totally different.  Please hang on to this note or go to my blog and refer to it as needed.  If you have other questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  I am genuinely sorry that your family does not have the opportunity to meet me in person and see our room before school starts.  I will do my best to show you what I can through my blog.  

Kindergarten Sessions:

This year, our kindergarten day starts when your child arrives at school as they will come to our room instead of going to the playground. I believe the safety screen can start as early as 8:10.   If your child is getting breakfast they will eat when they arrive.  Our official school hours are 8:30 to 3:00.  It is very important that your child arrives for school on time.  We really make the most of every minute we spend together.  Morning Meeting will take place from 8:45 to 9:00.  Morning Meeting is a huge part of our social curriculum so it is very important for your son/daughter to be on time for school.

During hybrid school, I have two groups of kindergarten students.  Students attending in-person school on Monday and Tuesday are the Blue Champs and students attending in-person on Thursday Friday are the Green Champs.  Your child will bring home actual hard copy work and books to use on remote days as well as be assigned lessons on Seesaw (our digital learning tool).

Keeping you Informed

I send home newsletters and post to our blog regularly.   


This year Kindergarten students have  Music, and Physical Education once a week in-person and will have a Music, Physical Education lesson on their remote days via Seesaw.  Art will take the place of Music starting in January.  Library is still being figured out but your child will get to bring a library book home each week. All specials will take place in our room.  Our specials are printed on the front of your child’s home school folder.  Please help your son/daughter be prepared for his/her special, i.e. sneakers on PE days and have their library book on Library Book exchange day.


Your son/daughter will have the option of bringing lunch from home or purchasing a hot lunch at school.  Your child may also purchase milk to go with his/her lunch from home.  Breakfast may also be purchased from the school.  All food will be consumed in our classroom.   It is my hope that breakfast and lunch will be free for all but that decision has not been made yet.  If our food program is not free for all then you will need to set up a school lunch account for your son/daughter to purchase food.  You will receive information about how to set up this account at orientation or you can go to our school website and click on the school lunch pencil.  I believe ordering breakfast and lunch will be online this year ( I will keep you posted).  It will be VERY HELPFUL if your child knows if they are getting hot lunch or have lunch from home each day. 

We will have a small morning and afternoon snack time each day.  Please send two snacks with your child every day.    Please keep your son/daughter’s snacks separate from his/her lunch.  You might even want to label morning snack and afternoon snack.  I try to encourage healthy snacks. However, I am the last person to tell you how to feed your child 


Your child should always bring a backpack to school. Please have your child's name clearly labeled on the backpack.  Your child has a plastic cubby that they will store papers and art projects they make during the day.  Your child is welcome to keep a pair of sneakers for PE and hand lotion here.  Extra clothes and extra clean masks should stay in their backpack. 

Home/School Folder:

           I provide a home/school communication folder for every child.  Your son/daughter will bring home his/her folder every day and will need to bring it back to school every day.  Please check this folder for notes and help your son/daughter to bring it back to school each and every day.  All notes and letters from school and myself will be put in this folder.  If you need to return a paper or have other communications for me, please put them in this folder. 


Communicating with Me: 

Please use the home/school folder to send notes to me.   You can also email me at I will reply to your emails but it might not be as fast as you would like because I do not sit at my computer as I am actively engaged with your children so I might not get to emails until after students have left for the day.  Also please keep in mind that while your child is home engaged in remote learning I am teaching my other group of students in-person.


If your child’s bus routine changes at all during the year, please put the change in writing and send it to school in his/her home school folder. Please write the exact address that he/she is to be dropped off at on the note instead of just writing "home".  I don't need to know what bus he/she is coming in on.  I only need to know where your child goes at the end of the day.  If you have any bus questions, concerns, or problems, you should call the Bus Company directly.

Literacy Program:

Unfortunately, we cannot have volunteers this year so our famous reading program will not be running.  However, Your child will read with me each in-person day and books will come home for them to read with you.

Toys from Home:

Toys from home are not allowed


This year birthday treats from home are not allowed.  However, we will still make the day special for your child.

Class Parties:

We are not allowed to have shared party food this year so celebrations will look different.  I am sure my colleagues and I will come up with some creative ideas.

Safety Precautions

*Your child will be expected to wear a mask except while eating and during mask breaks.

*We will be washing our hands all the time.  Please send in hand lotion that your child can apply to keep hands from getting chapped

* Your children and I will stay in our classroom for everything.  Breakfast, lunch, specials will happen in our room.

* we will have outside time but will not mix with other classes and the playground is closed.

* Water fountains are closed so please send a reusable water bottle.

I hope this answers some of the questions you might have.  I am sure I have not covered everything, so please feel free to ask me if you have a question.  


                                    Christine Anderson


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