Monday, October 26, 2020

Dot Day

We missed the official Dot day which happens in September but we enjoyed talking about The Dot book and making our own marks.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Safety First

Our new room and table set up with plexiglass. 😷


This is Mrs Lilly. She is our kindergarten Special Educator. She comes in a little bit each day to help teach. Today she gave our writing lesson. Kids worked on showing what they are good at with a picture, words and labels. We are working really hard on sounding out our words and matching that sound to a letter.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Mask Break

So great-full for our little porch so we can still have safe mask breaks 😷

Thursday, October 15, 2020


Kindergarten Writing is such a rich learning experience for our students. They are learning how to tell a story with both pictures and words. They are practicing letter sound association as well as stretching out words and leaving spaces. They are learning that a group of letters make up a word that others can read. Right now most students work one on one with an editor (teacher) to stretch and write words but soon they will be doing this on their own.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Reading Program

Great News!!! Our Blue Group is coming home with reading bags and books today. Our Green Group will bring them home on Friday. PLEASE send bag, books and cards back on Monday. Students have a note in green folder explains what to do at home 😄

Math. Matching Dot Cards

Students matched different representations of the same quantity using dot cards.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Cleaning Up

I need to tell you how amazing these kindergarteners are at cleaning up. They know to get soap and water wipes to clean any of the toys they played with.

We Made Shape Monsters Today